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FOI 5789 Maternity and Stillbirths

Q1) Please provide the name of your Trust(s) and the names of the Hospitals you run

Heartlands Hospital, Maternity Unit
Good Hope Hospital, Maternity Unit
Solihull Hospital, Standalone Unit

Q2) Under the care of your Trust, how many women had a stillbirth from and including 37 weeks in the following years?

a) 2014 – We do not hold the information for 2014
b) 2015 – 14
c) 2016 – 21
d) 2017 – 9

Solihull Hospital is a standalone birth unit

Q3) Of those that had a stillbirth in Q2, how many of those women were 40 weeks or more, in the following years?

a. 2014 – We do not hold the information for 2014
b. 2015 – 4
c. 2016 – 12
d. 2017 – 4

Solihull Hospital is a standalone birth unit
Q4) Of those women who had had a stillbirth in Q2- How many were sent home from the Trust because they were considered to be in early stages of labour, in the following years?

a) 2014- 0
b) 2015 -0
c) 2016 -0
d) 2017- 0
Q5) Following each stillbirths noted in Q2, in the following years how many internal investigations into why the baby died were carried out?

a) 2014 -2
b) 2015 -2
c) 2016 – 2
d) 2017 -1
Q6) Following on from Q5, in 2017 only, please list how many times each of these was a contributing factor, concluded from the investigation

a) poor staffing levels – 0
b) lack of available beds -1
c) lack of experienced Dr or obstetrician – 0
d) failure to notice vital signs of distress -1
e) other – Following guideline/pathway 2
– fundal height /SFH monitoring
Q7) Do you have a bereavement suite in your Trust? If yes, how many?

Yes, two bereavement suites, one at Heartlands site and one at Good Hope site
Q8) Do you have Specialist Bereavement Midwife in your Trust? If yes, how many?

Yes, one full time bereavement midwife manager, two part-time bereavement midwives.
In addition the suite at Heartlands is staffed 24 hours a day 7 days a week by a team of midwives who have had extra training in providing bereavement care.
Q9) Does your Trust provide midwives with compulsory bereavement training?

The training is not compulsory but there are 2 SANDS health professional training days held each year, providing training for 20 staff each time.
There is also additional training provided regularly throughout the year by the bereavement midwives.
In addition the bereavement team have been able to attend a number of specialist training days.

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