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FOI 0074 2019/20: Overseas Recruitment

Freedom of Information Request: 0074

  1. Has the trust recruited overseas nurses from overseas locations in the last 3 years? Yes Is the recruitment still ongoing at present? No
  2. Where was this requirement advertised? Agency advertised
  3. Was a recruitment agency used to help the trust fill these requirements? If Yes kindly name the recruitment agencies used by the trust and their contact details. Synergy Medical, 222 Bishopsgate, 3rd Floor, London, EC2M 4QD. 0203 815 9038
  4. How were these recruitment agencies selected? Is there a Procurement process the trust would normally use for such vacancies?Further Procurement Exercise via the HTE International Recruitment Framework
  5. Did the trust have their own framework of agencies for international recruitment of nurses or were they selected from national framework?

    National Framework

  6. Were there any other recruitment agencies used outside the framework to fill those vacancy? What was the criteria for selecting them?No
  7. If the Procurement process is used, where are such tenders published inviting bids from the bidders?

    Invites to tender sent to agencies listed on the HTE International Recruitment Framework

  8. Kindly specify when is the next lot of tenders invited for such a requirement and where would they be published for bidders to bid?No current plans to engage agencies to support ongoing recruitment

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