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FOI 0182 2019/20: Food-Borne Illnesses

Freedom of Information Request: 0182 2019/20

  1. How many inpatients developed food poisoning (relating to E.coli, listeria, campylobacter, salmonella or other) during a stay at  the hospitals in your trust between the end of May 1018 and the end of  May 2019? The Trust does hold this information, however, providing the data would require review of all patient records which have both the code for food poisoning and the specified infection types, and ascertain whether the infection occurred during their hospital admission. We estimate this would take far in excess of 18 hours. We are therefore withholding this information under section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act.
  2. How many inpatients developed food poisoning (relating to E. coli, listeria, campylobacter,  salmonella or other) during a stay at the hospitals in your trust between the end of May 2013 and the end of May  2014? The Trust does hold this information, however, providing the data would require review of all patient records which have both the code for food poisoning and the specified infection types, and ascertain whether the infection occurred during their hospital admission. We estimate this would take far in excess of 18 hours. We are therefore withholding this information under section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act.
  3. Are meals prepared on site or off the premises by an outside provider? Meals are prepared by external providers at Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Some meals are prepared on site and some are purchased from external providers at Heartlands, Good Hope, and Solihull Hospitals.
  4. How many complaints did you receive about hospital food between the end of May 2019 and the end of May 2018? 12
  5. How many complaints did you receive about hospital food between the end of May 2013 and  the end of May 2014? 15



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