Freedom of Information Request: 0192 2019/20
- Are medical staff permitted to use third-party instant messaging/communication applications (e.g. WhatsApp, Skype, SMS, Facebook messenger etc.) to exchange or communicate patient data? No
- Do medical staff use any of the following communication apps to share patient data with their colleagues (please select as many as applicable)
WhatsAppSMSSkypeSkype for BusinessStarLeafInstagramFacebook MessengerLinkedIn MessengerGoogle HangoutsSlackOtherNot sureNot applicable – staff are not permitted to use these to share patient data.
- If no, what other systems do medical staff use to communicate and share patient data with their colleagues? (please select as many as applicable)
Paper files
Other [please specify] – Fax, Electronic Patient Records
- Does your trust have any processes in place to stop medical staff accessing patient data (for example, which they have exchanged with other medical staff from their personal device) when they have left the NHS trust and moved on to new job? Not applicable – staff are not permitted to use personal devices or third party applications to share patient data.