Freedom of Information Request: 0251 2019/20
Subject: Reporting of histology cases
During the financial year 2018/19, please state which of the following arrangements were used for reporting histology cases which were not reported by employed or locum histopathologists during their contracted Programmed Activities (PAs). Please also state the amount spent in each category used.
- Payment to own consultants for additional work outside contracted PAs. Method used Yes if YES , £amount spent in year
Yes- Annual Spend for 2018/19 was £234,959
- b) Payment directly to another Trust/ NHS provider, or consultants employed by another Trust/ NHS provider for reporting. Method used
if YES £amount spent in year
Not applicable.
- c) Payment to a commercial company for reporting. Method used
if YES £amount spent in year
Not applicable.
If the answer to c) above was yes, please state which of the following companies was used, and the amount paid to each of the following companies in relation to financial year 2018/19.
- a) Backlogs Limited Company used YES/ NO if YES £amount spent in year
- b) Source Bioscience Company used YES/ NO if YES £amount spent in year
- c) LD Path Company used YES/ NO if YES £amount spent in year
- d) Cellular Pathology Services Company used YES/ NO if YES £amount spent in year
- e) Other – please state which Company used YES/ NO if YES £amount spent in year
Not applicable.
How many Whole Time Equivalent histopathology consultants were in post on 31/3/19?
Subject: Procurement of GP Direct Access Pathology Services
Please list the pathology providers, including NHS organisations, which you used during financial year 2018/19 to provide GP direct access pathology services (list any provider with a spend in the year greater than £25,000)
Not applicable.
Please provide the amount spent with each provider on GP direct access pathology during the year 2018/19.
Not applicable.
Please state which of following methods for calculating payment best describes the contractual arrangement between the CCG and each provider
– Amount paid for direct access pathology not explicitly stated, ie included within larger overall contract
– Fixed payment amount for pathology agreed for the year
– Fixed payment amount agreed for the year, but adjusted if volumes are higher or lower than expected
– Payment calculated based on a cost per specialty, eg £X per blood science test, £Y per microbiology sample, £Z per histology case
– Payment calculated on a price per specific test, eg £X for Urea and Electrolytes, £Y for full blood count, £Z for MRSA test
Not applicable.
Have the authority undertaken a procurement advertised via OJEU for GP direct access pathology during the past five years? If so, please provide link. No – the Trust performs GP testing in house on all sites.
Subject: Reporting of radiology
During the financial year 2018/19, please state which of the following arrangements were used for reporting radiology cases which were not reported by employed or locum radiologists during their contracted Programmed Activities (PAs). Please also state the amount spent in each category used.
- Payment to own consultants for additional work outside contracted PAs. Method used Yes.
if YES £amount spent in year
- Payment directly to another Trust/ NHS provider, or consultants employed by another Trust/ NHS provider for reporting. Method used Yes.
if YES £amount spent in year
- c) Payment to a commercial company for reporting. Method used
if YES £amount spent in year
If the answer to c) above was yes, please state which of the following companies was used, and the amount paid to each of the following companies in relation to financial year 2018/19.
- a) Medica plc Company used
if YES £amount spent in year
- b) Telemedicine Clinic (TMC) Company used
if YES £amount spent in year
Not applicable.
cRadiology Reporting Online, also known as Everlight Company used
if YES £amount spent in year
- d) Four Ways Company used
if YES £amount spent in year
Not applicable.
- e) Dulwich Medical Company used
if YES £amount spent in year
Not applicable.
- f) Other – please state which Company used
if YES £amount spent in year
Inhealth Reporting- £279,649