Freedom of Information Request: 0252 2019/20
1: Please provide details of the number of referrals received by the Trust/Organisation for patients to physiotherapy service for the following financial years: i) 2016/17, ii) 2017/18 and iii) 2018/2019
The trust has two services for Physiotherapy: MSK and Physiotherapy Paediatrics
Below are the combined figures for both services.
Financial year | Total referrals |
2016/17 | 24473 |
2017/18 | 24223 |
2018/19 | 25879 |
2: Please confirm or deny whether the Trust/Organisation provides Musculoskeletal (MSK) services that include first contact physiotherapists in General Practice
3: Please confirm or deny whether patients can self-refer to physiotherapy services within the MSK services provided by the Trust/Organisation
QE – limited self-referral service limited to staff employed by UHB. Average 64 new referrals per month
HGS-Answer for MSK: We are currently piloting this in the community.
HGS-Answer for Physiotherapy Paeds: No we do not yet provide FCP in GP practice
4: The amount of time taken between a referral (regardless of its source) to physiotherapist being made and the patient’s first appointment with the physiotherapist
- Please provide details of the average time taken for the following financial years: i) 2016/17, ii) 2017/18 and iii) 2018/2019
The trust has two services for Physiotherapy: MSK and Physiotherapy Paediatrics
Below are the combined figures for both services.
Financial Year | Average time taken in days |
2016/17 | 68 |
2017/18 | 45 |
2018/19 | 50 |
b) If this is not available, please confirm if another entity, and if so which, holds this information for patients in the locality. Not Applicable
c) If this information is not held by you or another health body in your area, please confirm if referral to treatment times for physiotherapist appointments used to be recorded and if so, when did this cease to be measured? Not Applicable