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FOI 0296 2019/20: Intravenous Voriconazole Injections

Freedom of Information Request: 0296 2019/20

1. The total number of individual doses of intravenous voriconazole administered to patients in the above organisation during the above period. QEHB: 1581 HGS: 137

a. Please note, this request does not relate to the number of dose units of voriconazole injection used (as one dose may use more than one vial).
b. Please note, this request does not relate to the number of patients given intravenous voriconazole (as one patient will usually receive multiple doses).
c. I appreciate that this information will probably only be available if the above organisation uses an electronic prescribing and medicines administration system.
d. If this information is only available for part(s) of the above organisation, please provide this partial information and state to which parts of the organisation it applies (see also point 2a below)

    2. The total number of dose units of voriconazole intravenous injection supplied for use within the above organisation during the above period. QEHB: 446942 mg HGS: 434 vials of 200mg strength formulation (86800mg)

a. If for request 1 you are only able to provide information for part of your organisation (see point 1d), please also state the number of dose units of voriconazole injection supplied for use within these same areas.
b. Please exclude voriconazole injection supplied by the above organisation for use within a different organisation.

   3. In the above organisation, is the NHS Injectable Medicines Guide (commonly known as “Medusa” – used at ward level by staff preparing intravenous medicines for administration to patients? Yes – Both
a. If the NHS Injectable Medicines Guide is only used in this way in parts of the above organisation, please state these areas.

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