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FOI 0443 Purchasing new IT Software

Freedom of Information Request: 0443

If possible, I would like to know the following information about IT software purchases within NHS Trusts.

The information you provide will be aggregated with other research and the output will not be made available to any other third party. It will be used to aid decision making to determine whether to proceed with the commercial development of medical IT software designed for use within NHS Trusts in the UK.

  1. Who is responsible (job title / purchasing group) for the purchase of new software by the Trust?

            All activities go through procurement.  It is not possible to provide a name as this will change on a regular basis.

  1. Has the Trust purchased any new IT software in the last 12 months?


  1. If yes, what was it for?

            Not applicable

  1. If not, do you know if the Trust plans to make any IT software purchases in the near future and if so what for?

            At the present time, we have no plans to make any IT software purchases in the near future.

  1. What was the Trusts expenditure on IT software in the last 12 months?


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