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FOI 0457 2019/20 Miles Travelled By Staff

Freedom of Information Request: 0457 2019/20

  1. How many business miles have been travelled by trust employees using their own car (greyfleet) in the last 12 months? 291,786
  2. How much money has been reimbursed back to employees for those business miles for greyfleet in the last 12 months? £139,715.10
  3. How much does the trust reimburse its employees per mile? Agenda For Change staff are reimbursed at 56p per mile for the first 3500 miles and then it reduces to 20p per mile thereafter, the Public Transport rate is 28p per mile
  4. How many miles did trust employees drive in the last 12 months in any type of vehicle e.g. greyfleet, trust owned, car rental, car club etc.?


The 12 month mileage for the NPT fleet up to 1st April 2019 is approximately 313,000 miles.

The last 12 month mileage for business miles that have been travelled by Trust employees: 291,786

5. Does the trust have an employee travel policy for business travel, which may include other additional modes of transport such as train, car rental etc.?

The Trust does not currently have an Expenses Policy although one is being written which we hope to have in place for the new financial year. There is some guidance to be found in the Motor Vehicle Policy where the term private driver is used broadly in place of grey fleet.

Please note: the attached Motor Vehicle policy is being updated and the new version should be issued in the following few months.

544v3.2 Motor Vehicle Policy


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