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FOI 0461 – Smoking Policies

Freedom of Information Request: FOI 0461

University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) completed a merger by acquisition of Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust (HEFT) on 1st April 2018.   UHB includes Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, Solihull Hospital and Community Services, Good Hope Hospital in Sutton Coldfield and Birmingham Chest Clinic.

Due to historical differences in data collection/reporting across UHB and the former Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust some responses have been provided by hospital site.


Queen Elizabeth Hospital

I am requesting the following information under the FOI Act 2000. 

  1. What is your Trust’s policy regarding smoking on hospital grounds?

Please see attached: SmokeFreePolicy QEHB

Please specify. For example:

1.1       Is smoking banned throughout the site?

Patients, visitors and staff are not permitted to smoke within Trust buildings or on Trust grounds except in the designated smoking shelters.

1.2       Is smoking banned in the car park?


1.3       Is smoking banned in private vehicles while on site?

Smoking is only permitted in designated smoking areas.

1.4       Is smoking permitted anywhere on site?

Smoking is only permitted in designated smoking areas.

1.5       Are there smoking shelters (e.g. in the car park, in the grounds)?


1.6       Are there designated smoking areas (e.g. in the car park, in the grounds)?


  1. On what date did the Trust adopt its current policy on smoking?

            22 May 2008

  1. Does the Trust have any plans to change its smoking policy?

If so, please specify what those changes will be. For example, do you intend to:

3.1       Remove existing smoking shelters and extend non-smoking areas, or

            We are still in the process of making relevant changes.

3.2       Permit designated smoking areas or install designated smoking shelters

            We are still in the process of making relevant changes

  1. If the answer to Q3 is ‘YES’ please specify the date on which the Trust plans to implement the changes.

            We are in the process of considering relevant changes

  1. What is the Trust’s policy regarding vaping in (a) hospital buildings including wards, and (b) hospital grounds?

            Please refer to the smoking policy.

  1. Does the Trust have any plans to change its vaping policy? Please specify how it will change and when.

            Please refer to the smoking policy.

  1. How are the Trust’s smoking policies enforced? For example: signage, public address systems, use of CCTV cameras/wardens to monitor the site etc.

            Please see attached: SmokeFreePolicy QEHB

  1. How many recorded complaints has the Trust received from members of the public (including patients) about patients, visitors or staff smoking on hospital grounds since 1st January 2018?

            1 complaint


Heartlands, Good Hope and Solihull Hospital

I am requesting the following information under the FOI Act 2000. 


  1. What is your Trust’s policy regarding smoking on hospital grounds?

Please see attached: SmokeFreePolicyHGS

Please specify. For example:

1.1       Is smoking banned throughout the site?

Patients, visitors and staff are not permitted to smoke within Trust buildings or on Trust grounds except in the designated smoking shelters. (This includes the use of e-cigarettes or other smoking cessation devices that produce smoke like vapour or products)

1.2       Is smoking banned in the car park?


1.3       Is smoking banned in private vehicles while on site?

            Smoking is only permitted in designated smoking areas.

1.4       Is smoking permitted anywhere on site?

            Yes, smoking is only permitted in designated smoking areas.

1.5       Are there smoking shelters (e.g. in the car park, in the grounds)?


1.6       Are there designated smoking areas (e.g. in the car park, in the grounds)?


  1. On what date did the Trust adopt its current policy on smoking?

Reviewed and adopted 1st April 2015

  1. Does the Trust have any plans to change its smoking policy?

If so, please specify what those changes will be. For example, do you intend to:

Yes, however we are still in the process of changing/aligning the policy to make it an overarching for the whole Trust. 

3.1       Remove existing smoking shelters and extend non-smoking areas, or

We are still in the process of making relevant changes.

3.2       Permit designated smoking areas or install designated smoking shelters

We are still in the process of making relevant changes.

  1. If the answer to Q3 is ‘YES’ please specify the date on which the Trust plans to implement the changes.

            Currently unknown

  1. What is the Trust’s policy regarding vaping in (a) hospital buildings including wards, and (b) hospital grounds?

Please see attached: SmokeFreePolicyHGS

  1. Does the Trust have any plans to change its vaping policy? Please specify how it will change and when.

            Please see attached: SmokeFreePolicyHGS

  1. How are the Trust’s smoking policies enforced? For example: signage, public address systems, use of CCTV cameras/wardens to monitor the site etc.

Please see attached: SmokeFreePolicyHGS

  1. How many recorded complaints has the Trust received from members of the public (including patients) about patients, visitors or staff smoking on hospital grounds since 1st January 2018?

            1 formal complaint and 1 concern (Patient Advice and Liaison Service)



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