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FOI 0587 Contact Details Of Trust Members

Freedom of Information Request: 0587

Where possible, could I please request the Names, telephone numbers(direct dial), and email address’ for the following positions at the trust;

Head of Procurement

Simon Clarke    

0121 371 8658

Director of Nursing/Head of Nursing

Margaret Garbett

0121 371 6666

Head of Recruitment

We do not have a Head of Recruitment.

Recruitment Manager – Angela Machin

0121 371 6753

Head of Human Resources

Cathi Shovlin

0121 371 7601

Head of International Recruitment

There is no head of International Recruitment or equivalent role.

Matron Nurse

We have several matrons throughout UHB. Margaret Garbett is the Director of Nursing (see contact details above).

Chief Executive Officer

David Rosser    

0121 371 4311

Chief Operating Officer

Jonathan Brotherton

0121 424 0967



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