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FOI 0604 Delayed Discharges

Freedom of Information Request: 0604

University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) completed a merger by acquisition of Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust (HEFT) on 1st April 2018.  Due to historical differences in data collection/reporting across UHB and the former Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust this response has been provided by hospital site.

Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

1)      How many delayed discharges from inpatient wards were recorded by your trust during the following date ranges (please break down the data into the date ranges specified below):

  • 1st November 2017 to October 31st 2018
  • 1st November 2016 to October 31st 2017
  • 1st November 2015 to October 31st 2016

Our monthly Delayed Transfer of Care (DToCs) information is in the public domain at This will show the total DToC per month, but as some people are delayed over several months, cannot give the annual figure. We are therefore withholding this information under Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 “information already accessible “.

2)      What was the total amount of time spent by delayed discharge patients in hospital wards managed by your trust between patients being ready for transfer and the patients being fully discharged from hospital during the following date ranges (please break down the data into the date ranges specified below. Please use whichever time measurement is used by default by your trust):

  • 1st November 2017 to October 31st 2018
  • 1st November 2016 to October 31st 2017
  • 1st November 2015 to October 31st 2016

As above.

3)      What is the average cost per day to your trust of a patient staying in hospital to your trust, excluding costs specific to their medical condition (i.e. the basic cost of providing a bed, food and care but excluding condition specific drugs, care or medical procedures)

£161 (Non pay and Nursing) average cost – not including any medical spend.

4)     Does your trust currently have a plan in place to reduce the delayed discharge of patients in the future?

We have a joint health and social care Discharge Hub. We receive Transfer of Care referrals, clinically triage them, and then allocate the most appropriate staff.

We have a daily joint Board meeting, discussing the progress and challenges of every discharge.

We are currently working with Newton to look at early intervention work and discharge pathways.

Wards use Red to Green meetings to ensure that inpatient delays are reduced and every day is maximised as a day towards discharge.

Heartlands, Good Hope and Solihull Hospital

1)      How many delayed discharges from inpatient wards were recorded by your trust during the following date ranges (please break down the data into the date ranges specified below):

  • 1st November 2017 to October 31st 2018
  • 1st November 2016 to October 31st 2017
  • 1st November 2015 to October 31st 2016

Our monthly Delayed Transfer of Care (DToCs) information is in the public domain at This will show the total DToC per month, but as some people are delayed over several months, cannot give the annual figure. We are therefore withholding this information under Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 “information already accessible “.

2)      What was the total amount of time spent by delayed discharge patients in hospital wards managed by your trust between patients being ready for transfer and the patients being fully discharged from hospital during the following date ranges (please break down the data into the date ranges specified below. Please use whichever time measurement is used by default by your trust):

  • 1st November 2017 to October 31st 2018
  • 1st November 2016 to October 31st 2017
  • 1st November 2015 to October 31st 2016

As above.

3)      What is the average cost per day to your trust of a patient staying in hospital to your trust, excluding costs specific to their medical condition (i.e. the basic cost of providing a bed, food and care but excluding condition specific drugs, care or medical procedures)

£177 (Non pay and Nursing) average cost – not including any medical spend.

4)      Does your trust currently have a plan in place to reduce the delayed discharge of patients in the future?

  • Key partners in the STP work for Birmingham and Solihull (Sustainable Transformation Programme)
  • Partner on the weekly system leaders call with Staffordshire partners to reduce DTOC
  • Partner on the Solihull Support You Home Board
  • Have embedded initiatives such as Red to Green, Stranded Patients to reduce delayed days
  • Internal Length of Stay reduction programme with key workstreams aimed at reducing delays for patients

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