Freedom of Information Request: 0823
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) completed a merger by acquisition of Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust (HEFT) on 1st April 2018. Due to historical differences in data collection/reporting across UHB and the former Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust this response has been provided by hospital site.
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
Has your hospital performed any colonoscopies from January 1, 2018 till December 31, 2018? If the answer is ‘yes’, could you provide me the no. of colonoscopies performed during this period.
Yes. During the period from January 1st 2018 to December 31st 2018, the QEHB performed a total of 2946 colonoscopies.
Heartlands, Good Hope and Solihull Hospital
Has your hospital performed any colonoscopies from January 1, 2018 till December 31, 2018? If the answer is ‘yes’, could you provide me the no. of colonoscopies performed during this period.
Yes. 6919 colonoscopies were performed.