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FOI 2661 Waste and recycling contracts

For each of the types of contract above please can you send me :


1.       Contract Type- From the examples given above please state what type of contract this is. Please state other and type of contract if the type of contract is not listed above. In some cases the organisation will have one or two big contracts that is covered in a managed contract please state in the contract description what services the contract provides as well.


Green waste disposal – Not at present, however we do have grounds maintenance which covers some green waste disposal.  Each site has own local grounds maintenance contract.

Household Waste Recycling Centres – none on site

Refuse Recycling Street Cleaning – none on site

Recycling Collection Services – none on site


Waste Development Environmental Assessment , Waste Transfer and MRF and Waste Disposal Landfill – none on site


Bulky Waste – The Trust currently uses refuse skips at each site


2.       The supplier of the recycling or waste contract

Birmingham City Council dry mix recycling , Rapide collect confidential waste, Balcan Engineering collect florescent tubes for recycling, Waste Care collect electrical and electronic equipment, batteries and chemicals, paints.  D S Smith Recycling collect cardboard and paper.


3.       What is the annual average spends for each of the suppliers. For those organisations with new contracts can you please specify the estimated spend?

Birmingham City Council – Est £20,000 (new contract)

Rapide – £0 (free service)

Balcan Engineering – £0 (free service)

Waste Care – £0 – cost neutral.  IT equipment is sold through the company to pay for recycling of items such as refrigerators, medical equipment, batteries etc.

D S Smith – £30 per tonne income generated for the Trust


4.       A brief description of what the contract entails. Please to specific to the services provided under these contract(s).

As above


5.       What is the contract duration of the each of the contract(s)?

Annual contracts


6.       What is the start date of each contract(s)?

1st April


7.       What is the expiry date of each contract(s)?

31st March


8.       When does the organisation intend to review these contract(s)


9.       Who is responsible for reviewing this contract please send me their full name, actual job title, contact number and their direct email address.

Tony Cressey, Waste and Contracts Manager, Tel 0121 424 3852,

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