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FOI 2804 Car parking

1. How much revenue was generated in the financial year 2012-13 from fees from the trust’s car parks?

Total car parking income for 12/13: £3,999,498


Split by site


BHH: £1,881,041

GHH: £1,159,379

SOL: £959,078


Please note that after capital charges and depreciation  the Trust made an operating LOSS on car parking of £980,997.


The Trust has spent £4m on the provision of a new staff car park on Yardley Green Road which has created more visitor spaces on the Heartlands Hospital site.  The Trust will also be investing a further £11m over the next few years to provide substantial parking at Heartlands and Good Hope hospitals where visitor waiting is most extreme.

2. Are any of the trust’s car parks run by a private firm? Yes

3. If answer to question 2 is yes, what is/are the name/names of that/those private firm/firms and which car parks does it/do they run?  G4S Security Services

4. If answer to question 2 is yes, how much of the total 2012-13 car park income (question 1) went to a private firm? If the income went to multiple firms please include a breakdown of how much each firm received. None


5. How much revenue was generated from parking fines in the financial year 2012-13? £255


6. How much of this went to a private firm? None


7. What was the single biggest fine levied on one vehicle in the financial year 2012-13? (ie if a person had left their vehicle in the wrong place for a month that would count as one fine)  £25.00


8. Have any fines or charges been issued to dead patients in the financial year 2012-13?  None

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