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FOI 2818 Francis Report

Please provide answers to the questions below and for each question say how long this practice has been in place:  a)within the last 6 months; b) within the last 12 months; c)within the last two years; d) longer.


  1. How many hours training do healthcare assistants receive before their first shift on a ward?
    a)within the last 6 months;
    All staff new to HEFT attend Corporate Induction day 1 and all clinical staff, including healthcare support workers on Agenda for Change (AfC) and 2,3 and 4 attend a day 2 programme.  This is then followed up with a local induction provided by their line manager in the work place where individual learning needs and identified and met.  This has been in place since 2008


Healthcare Support Workers with no previous care experience are recruited through the HEFT Step in Work programme and receive a 3 week (15 days) intensive induction programme which includes the two days mandatory elements (above).  The 3 week induction programme incorporates training packages tailor-made in response to the workforce needs to maximise learning opportunities, including support for essential skills training which is central to the concept of lifelong learning. During this period, the HcSW remains supernumery whilst undergoing introduction and orientation to their designated ward/department. . This has been in place since 2009


For Healthcare Support Workers with previous care experience, new starters are invited to attend a 2 week induction programme.  This includes the two days mandatory elements (above), a further 3 days intensive induction programme, followed by 1 week local induction which is carried out in the workplace.   This has been in place since November 2013
b) within the last 12 months; See above
c)within the last two years; See above
d) longer; see above


  1. Do you assess new recruits to the organisation for their values?
    a)within the last 6 months; Step in Work recruits are assessed on attitudes, behaviours and values. Other staff are not assessed in this way, we are planning to introduce this for other staff.
    b) within the last 12 months; As above
    c)within the last two years;  As above
    d) longer; As above


  1. Does the trust publish a summary of all complaints that are upheld?
    a)within the last 6 months; No
    b) within the last 12 months; No
    c)within the last two years; No
    d) longer; No


  1. Are all ward sisters supernumerary? If not what proportion of their time is supervisory?
    a)within the last 6 months; yes all ward sisters are 100% supervisory since October 2013
    b) within the last 12 months;  See above
    c)within the last two years; No
    d) longer; No


  1. Do all patients have a named clinician responsible for overseeing their care? Is that clinician a doctor or nurse or does it vary?
    a)within the last 6 months; All patients have a named consultant
    b) within the last 12 months; As above
    c)within the last two years; As above
    d) longer; As above


  1. Does a member of the board have responsibility for information?

a)within the last 6 months; Various Board directors have responsibilities for information – Lisa Thomson for Information and Corporate Governance, Sarah Woolley as Caldicott Guardian is responsible for clinical governance, Andy Laverick as SIRO, Adrian Stokes for Data Quality,  all of whom report to the Chief Executive


b) within the last 12 months; As above


c)within the last two years; Sarah Woolley as Caldicott Guardian was  responsible for clinical governance and Information Governance , Andy Laverick as SIRO, Adrian Stokes for Data Quality all of whom reported to the Chief Executive


d) longer; As c


  1. Does the trust measure the culture of the organisation? If so, what tool does it use?

We do not use a Trust-wide formal cultural diagnostic tool, however we do utilise a variety of ‘temperature check’ tools to inform our view on Trust culture, e.g.

a)      Within the last 6 months; Series of Francis listening events across Trust, trialling use of learning maps, to hear staff opinion and concerns regarding culture. National Staff Survey. Nursing cultural barometer pilot (McKinsey).

b)      Within the last 12 months; National Staff Survey. Medical staff survey.

c)       within the last two years; national staff survey was the only surveyed

d)      longer: MAPSAF used in 2007/8


  1. Has the board had any safety science training?
    a)within the last 6 months; No
    b) within the last 12 months; TeamStepps
    c)within the last two years; No
    d) longer; in 2007/08  Yes


  1. Did the trust have quality accounts for 2012-13 independently audited? Are there plans to audit 2013-14’s quality accounts?

The  Quality Accounts were independently audited last year by PriceWaterhouseCooper, the 2013-14 quality accounts will also be independently audited by PriceWaterhouseCooper.


  1. Has the trust introduced Schwartz rounds? If not does the trust facilitate any similar other multi-disciplinary debriefing that allows staff to reflect on their practice?
    a)within the last 6 months; The trust has signed a contract with the Kings Fund to train 4 clinicians in Schwatz Round facilitation 

b) within the last 12 months; As above
c)within the last two years; No
d) longer. No



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