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FOI 2853 Bed numbers and capital spend

Q1. How many beds does your hospital or hospital trust group have?  Please see attached spreadsheet HEFT Funded Beds – January 2013 (2)


Q2. How is the overall first half 2014 capital equipment spend trending compared with spend in the first half of 2013? Do you expect it to be similar or will there be a percentage change up or down? Are there any particular reasons for this? Down as the NHS has budget constraints.


Q3. How do you expect your hospital’s overall 2014 capital equipment spending to compare with your overall 2013 spend ? Do you expect it to be the same or will there be a percentage change? For example, are you expecting to replace any equipment items, or refurbish wards and departments?   Down as the NHS has budget constraints


Q4. Are there any particular categories where you predict a percentage change in your spending for 2014, compared to 2013? For example, IT, hospital beds, operating room equipment, robotic surgery systems, radiation therapy or big ticket lab equipment? No


Q5. Amongst the above categories, how would rank them according to priorities within your budget for 2014?  Replacing equipment that is at the end of its economical life.

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