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FOI 2873 Hospital chapel/prayer room vandalism


Data concerning vandalism to religious/spiritual rooms and buildings in the hospital (e.g hospital chapels and prayer rooms) from January 2009 to as recently as possible. 


Five incidents occurred during period January 2009 to date.


Please include a breakdown of the damage caused and the cost incurred, as well as the time period during which incidents occurred. Please also include any reports submitted by hospital staff and, where possible, data concerning assaults, intimidation or threatening behaviour towards hospital chaplains and other hospital staff employed in a spiritual or religious role.


  1. Three incidents occurred since August 2012 to date; two incidents involved mess from food and drinks left scattered across the Chapel, flower display was vandalised  and stains caused by misuse of hand-gel dispensers; more recently, during Christmas period 2013, a nativity scene was interfered with, Christmas decorations were damaged and broken and the lights above the two tabernacles were both broken. Tabernacle lights cost £4.99 in addition cost of cleaning work was incurred by the Trust.


  1. One incident (August 2012 to date)  of deliberate vandalism of Jewish, Hindu & Sikh religious artefacts too place in Faith Centre prayer room at Heartlands hospital. Artefacts were replaced by individual faith communities with no cost to the Trust..


  1. Regarding assaults, intimidation or threatening behaviour: One incident of threatening behaviour towards a Chaplain by a visitor occurred. The visitor objected to Chaplain’s visit to a patient, despite the fact that visit had been requested by the patient concerned. (December 2013)


No incident forms were submitted for these incidents, however any future incidents will be reported through the Trust’s incident reporting system.


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