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FOI 3024 Advertising

If you have an agreement for publishing or advertising on patient information in your emergency department, please provide the following:
– what company(s) is the agreement with?[]  The Trust has a Contract with Freeclaim Services Limited (‘Freeclaim’), a company of Solicitors with Solicitors Regulation Authority Number 469926
– what benefits or income does the Trust/department receive? [] #

The Trust receives specially printed and Trust branded patient information leaflets. The majority of these leaflets contain disease/injury/condition specific information which is provided to attendees at Trust A&E departments, the leaflets provide information to patients about the way they should handle and monitor the aliment they have suffered after visiting A&E for treatment. Other leaflets provide useful information about the Hospital’s and the A&E department more generally. The Trust considers this a benefit because it would ordinarily pay for the printing of stationary products from its own reserves. The Trust also receives a rebate from Freeclaim. The upper limit of this rebate is £112,815 per annum.
– what is final end date of the agreement. The maximum duration of the initial period is June 2015. There is an option to extend the contract for an additional year.
– is the end date subject to prior notice by you or the company and what notice is needed. Has any notice been given? The end of the initial period is fixed unless extended (see above).
– what company(s) is advertising on the patient information. Freeclaim.
If you have an agreement for publishing or advertising on patient information screens in your emergency department, please provide the following:  N/A
– what company(s) is the agreement with?
– what benefits or income does the Trust/department receive?
– what is final end date of the agreement
– is the end date subject to prior notice by you or the company and what notice is needed. Has any notice been given?
– what companies are advertising on the screens.

If you have an agreement for publishing or advertising on posters in your emergency department, please provide the following:  N/A
– what company(s) is the agreement with?
– what benefits or income does the Trust/department receive?
– what is final end date of the agreement
– is the end date subject to prior notice by you or the company and what notice is needed. Has any notice been given?
– what company(s) is advertising on the posters.

Do you have an agreement for publishing or advertising on OPD appointment cards and/or Fracture clinic cards?
– what company(s) is the agreement with? Calco
– what benefits or income does the Trust/department receive? None
– what is final end date of the agreement? Rolling contract
– is the end date subject to prior notice by you or the company and what notice is needed. Has any notice been given? Minimum of 3 years notice per contract and no notice has been served
– what company(s) is advertising on the cards.

  • Solihull – Coley & Tilley Solicitors
  • GHH – Specsavers & Field Overill Solicitors
  • BHH – Bell Lax Solicitors



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