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FOI 3112 Hearing

The response to your query is detailed below:


1)    Please confirm or deny if there is a mandatory requirement for patients referred to the Trust for suspected age related hearing loss to be seen as general outpatients prior to being referred to audiology services.  No mandatory requirement. Patients can be referred via Direct Referral service and AQP Pathway.

2) Please supply details of the defined pathway for a patient referred for suspected age related hearing loss.

Choose and Book, Fax, or letter referral to AQP Service or Direct Referral Service

3) Please list the total number of (a) new adult hearing devices fitted by the Trust in the 2014-15 year to date and each of the last two financial years (b) replacement adult hearing devices fitted by the Trust in the 2014-15 year to date and each of the last two financial years (c) patients who have been assessed and fitted for a hearing device on the same day in the 2014-15 year to date and each of the last two financial years and (d) aftercare appointments carried out by the Trust in the 2014-15 year to date and each of the last two financial years.

New Replacement of faulty Aftercare Review Repair

April – May 2014





April – March 2013





April-March 2012






We assess and fit same day 42 (if patient is referred from ENT with a PTA we will arrange open fitting appt if pt is suitable, other referrals are done as separate assessment and fitting appointments except at outreach)

4) Please list the total number of binaural adult hearing devices fitted by the Trust in the 2014-15 year to date and each of the last two financial years.

April-May 2014 269 binaural fittings
April-March 2013 1994 binaural fittings
April-March 2012 2498 binaural  fittings

5) Please list the makes and models of hearing aids currently fitted by the Trust.

Phonak  Micro/M/MW/Micro w/SP/UP/Cassia cros/ Nathos ITE   Danalogic I-Clip   (obsolete aids used for replacement only Danalogic 6070/6080/6090/4060 Phonak supero)

6) Please supply the number of staff who carried out hearing aid fittings in the last financial year, broken down by Agenda for Change staffing grade.

Band 7 x 2/Band 6 x 1/Band 5 x 8/ Band 4 x 1

7) Please supply details of the tariff paid by Solihull Clinical Commissioning Group for each (a) a hearing assessment (b) a monaural hearing aid fitting (c) a binaural hearing aid fitting and (d) aftercare visits.

All assessments/fitting charged at £33.52

8) Please confirm or deny whether the Trust applies a market forces factor charge to this tariff.

Tariff is a locally agreed price and does not attract Market forces factor

9) Please supply details of the market forces factor charge that is added to the tariff.

Not applicable

10) Please confirm or deny if the Trust collects data on any of the following outcomes achieved for people attending adult hearing services (a) patient experience (b) patient satisfaction c) referral to treatment time (d) patient choice (e) personalised care (f) other (please specify)

We do not collect routinely/ use patient surveys

11) Please supply details of the outcomes achieved for people attending adult hearing services provided by the Trust.

Do not collect routinely

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