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FOI 3132 Tendering

1)    In the financial year 2013/14, (a) how many tenders for NHS services did you assess for a possible bid, and (b) of these, how many did you actually bid for?
a) In 2013/14, the number of tenders for NHS services assessed for a possible bid by the trust: 23 recorded tenders assessed for a possible bid. There may also be instances in which bidding for a tender was considered but was not recorded or progressed, and therefore the figure of 23 represents the minimum.
b) Of these, the number of tenders for NHS services the trust actually bid for: The Trust initially decided to bid for 10 out of the 23 recorded tenders, of which two we subsequently withdrew from the process.


2)    What was the cost for the trust of bidding for the last service tender that you did? If you cannot provide an exact figure, please provide an estimate to the nearest £10,000. Please include staff costs, administrative costs and expenses, and the costs of any external and legal advice. The cost (or an estimate of the cost) for the trust of bidding for the last service tender that you bid for: We do not record the cost to the Trust of bidding for each individual tender.


3)    For the last service tender that you assessed for a possible bid but did not bid for, what was the cost of assessing the tender for a possible bid? If you cannot provide an exact figure, please provide an estimate to the nearest £10,000. Please include staff costs, administrative costs and expenses, and the costs of any external and legal advice.
The cost (or an estimate of the cost) for the trust of assessing the tender for a potential bid: We do not record the cost to the Trust of assessing each individual tender.

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