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FOI 3209 Bed capacity

Our Response:

We do not hold this information in a useable format for the purpose you have asked for.  In the spirit of openness we have included a spreadsheet  FOI 3209 Beds showing the capacity of the wards each day and as you will see it is not very user friendly.

The main reasons behind this are:

  • Our wards flex and change their capacity regularly to reflect patient needs.  The Trust may also temporarily close a ward to transfer the patients to other wards for operational reasons and reopen them a few months later with the same ward number.
  • Any statistics would include assessment areas and neonatal units.
  • The timeliness of the completion of our  admissions, discharges and transfer data would affect this.

You asked:

1. For 2014 so far, please provide the following information for each hospital in-patient ward: the number of days when the wards recorded no bed capacity (no available beds) at any point during the day. Please also provide the dates when this occurred. Please provide the information in spreadsheet (xls or csv) format. An example of a table might be:

HOSPITAL           WARD            NUMBER OF DAYS ZERO BEDS               DATES
Hospital A        A&E                        3                                                    January 4, January 7, February 18

2. The same for 2013
3. The same for 2012
4. The same for 2011
5. The same for 2010

6. For each day of 2014 so far, please provide the following information for each hospital in-patient ward: the maximum bed capacity, the number of beds occupied (at the point of greatest occupancy), the number of beds available (at the point of greatest occupancy). Please provide the information in spreadsheet (xls or csv) form. An example of a table might be:

DATE                HOSPITAL            WARD            CAPACITY        OCCUPIED        FREE
Jan 1 2014        Hospital A            A&E            100                       95                5

7. The same for 2013
8. The same for 2012
9. The same for 2011
10. The same for 2010

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