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FOI 3234 ICU beds and early warning scores

Birmingham Heartlands Hospital – How many adult critical care beds do you have in your hospital? 11 in ITU, 8 in HDU, 19 in Total

Good Hope Hospital – How many adult critical care beds do you have in your hospital? 10 in Total (combination of ITU and HDU, e.g. could be 5 and 5 or 6 and 4 etc)

The following answers apply across our entire Trust:

In your non-ICU wards, do you have computerised health records? A mixture of paper and electronic:  e-Jonah which is a patient management display board in each ward, EP which is our electronic prescribing application and EHandover.  The remainder of information we keep about patients tends to be on paper.

Are patients’ vital signs recorded and /or monitored using paper charts or computerised records? Paper charts

Do you use early warning scores on your wards to monitor patients?  Yes

Which early warning scoring system or systems are used in your hospital?  MEWS and PEWS: Modified early Warning System is used with adults and PEWS – Paediatric Early Warning System is used with children

Do you plan to use the National Early Warning Score (designed by the Royal College of Physicians) if you do not already use it? We do not have any plans to move from the current (MEWS) system we have. 

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