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FOI 3417 Intubation

1 – Does your trust stock “Difficult airway/can’t intubate, can’t ventilate” equipment (ie: tracheotomy and cricothyrotomy equipment) within your resuscitation department/have the equipment available to A&E? Yes

2 – Does your trust stock fiberoptic intubation equipment that is available in an emergency airway situation within A&E? No

3 – Does your trust stock video laryngoscopes within your resuscitation department/have the equipment readily available to A&E? No

4 – What level (if any) of training is provided by your trust to Anaesthetics trainees with regard to “Can’t intubate/Can’t ventilate” (CICV) situations, including practical training in performing CICV rescue procedures?
Training starts from CT1 as simulation training and also have opportunity to attend airway day training session organised by our department once every year

5 –  At what level (if any) of training does your trust require Anaesthetics trainees (including registrars) to be competent in CICV practical rescue procedures as a requirement of their job role (or are such matters left in the hands of the Deanaries)?
There is no specified time line as to when they need to be competent for surgical airway, however we do have many airway courses including in house AIRWAY TRAINING DAY once a year where all consultants and trainees have opportunity to practice surgical airway on dummies.

6 – What level (if any) of training is provided in your trust to nursing staff with A&E regarding airway management and CICV situations?
EDPs are offered an annual update on difficult airway management led by Cons Anaesthetist and Diff Airway Lead.  Rest of Nursing Staff have Airway training – basic and assistance of RSI in trauma training days

7 – What level (if any) of training is provided in your trust to nursing staff with A&E regarding “Human Factors” (including if possible – with regard to emergency situations)?
Middle grade sessions once a year plus included on all debrief sessions for simulations

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