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FOI 3533 MDT teams

  1. Does the Trust have any of the following Multi-disciplinary teams (MDTs)?

 Care Pathway – Basal Cell Carcinoma – May 2009

MDT Name Yes/No If Yes please provide Members names and/or roles
Head and Neck MDT  Yes MDT co-ordinator, ENT surgeons, Oncologist, Consultant Radiologists, Consultant Pathologists, Clinical Nurse Specialists and Voice/Speech Therapists.
Local Skin Cancer MDT Yes We are a local skin MDT as well as a SSMDT which includes oculoplastics in there. The members are all dermatology consultants, CNSs, pathologists, plastic surgeons, ENT/head & neck surgeons, oculo-plastic surgeons, radiologist, oncologist and MDT coordinator.
Specialist Skin Cancer MDT See above N/A
Oculoplastics MDT See above N/A
Skull Base MDT No N/A

We would like to understand how the Trust deals with the treatment of Advanced Basal Cell Carcinoma, and therefore we would like to request any documents that are used to cover this treatment area e.g. Referral Pathways / Care Pathways / Prescribing Guidelines. With regards to advanced BCCs we follow the Pan Birmingham skin cancer network agreed BCC guidelines which are attached.


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