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FOI 3571 Dangerous incidents

In the 2013 and 2014 calendar year on how many occasions was an incident report sent by your trust to the Health and Safety Executive under the powers of the The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations  where the incident was categorised as a Dangerous Occurrence?

During 2013 7 (seven) incidents were classified under the dangerous occurrences category and reported to the HSE.

6 were reported as a result of staff sustaining needle stick injuries from a known infectious source. They were reported in line with our policy, however we would not be able to provide any information if any of these incidents resulted in harm to the individual, that is something that would be confidential information between the injured person and occupational health.

1 incident occurred in the intensive care unit

3 in theatres

1 in accident and emergency

1 on ward 20

1 incident was reported due to a member of staff sustaining a blood splash in our obstetric department.


All of the above occurred on the Heartlands site.


During 2014 0 (zero) incidents were reported under the dangerous occurrences category.

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