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FOI 3675 EPR

Q6 FOI 3675 Copy of ICT Project Portfolio @ 13 02 2015 v1 0

02 Structure ICT Direcorate named March v2

Q3 FOI3675

1, What is the Trust’s current policy / position regarding a trust wide Electronic Patient Record (EPR) in relation to acute, primary, secondary, tertiary, and community care. Where applicable kindly mention how the Trust is wishing to obtain a Trust wide EPR, and a paperless or paper-light environment, with relevant times scales and type of solution.  We have EPR.

2, Kindly provide an up-to-date and granular Trust IT department structure chart containing positions and contact details, kindly ensure information relating to the Clinical Information Officer / Department is present. Attached above

3, Kindly provide information about which company has provided the Trust with a solution to support the following functionality / departments:-Attached above

4, Kindly provide the Trust’s Clinical Digital Maturity Index (CDMI).

5, What’s the Trust’s historical and projected annual spend on the above mentioned IT applications, such as licensing, maintenance and support.

For questions 4 and 5 we estimate that retrieving the data would exceed the 18 hours of staff time as laid down in Section 12 of the FOI Act.

6, Kindly provide details of strategic IT projects that the Trust are, will be, or are planning to carrying out over the next few years. Attached above

7, What internal or external to the trust information source (contact person or website) should be used by the external bodies to obtain more information about any upcoming tenders / change processes in connection with the replacement of solutions for the above listed functionalities / departments.

8, Who would be the most suitable person / position within the Trust to approach if more information is required, kindly provide their current contact details. Further FOI requests should come to the FOI address.

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