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FOI 3783 Gas and electricity

1.       Contracts/Agreements relating to the supply of Gas which may include the following:

·         Natural Gas Supply Contract is held by Crown Commercial Supplies, who let utility contracts on our behalf.

·         Gas Heating / Boiler Maintenance This is a PFI 15 year agreement between the Trust and ENER-G Combined Power Limited.

·         Installation of Gas Central Heating Systems No such contracts in existence.

2.       Contracts/Agreements relating to the supply of Electricity which may include the following:

·         Street Lighting  Completed In house.

·         Electricity Supply (Half Hourly) Contract is held by Crown Commercial Supplies, who let utility contracts on our behalf.

·         Electricity Supply (Non Half Hourly) Contract is held by Crown Commercial Supplies, who let utility contracts on our behalf.

·         Corporate Electricity Supply No such contracts in existence.

Contract Information– For each of the types of the contract that I am requesting please can you send me the following information. Please can you remember if there is more than one provider can you please split the contract information up for each individual provider?

1.       Unique Contract Key: Please can you provide me with a unique reference quote that relates to each contract. This is held by CCS.

2.       Current Provider: If there is more than one provider please split the contract information individually. Gas provided by Corona Energy, Electric provided by EDF Energy.

3.       Annual Average Spend: Please can you send me the average spends over the last three years. Approximate spend is also acceptable.

Electric                        Gas

2014-15                       £807,222                     £1,452,668

2013-14                       £1,076,340                  £1,466,510

2012-13                       £703,641                     £1,745,790


4.       Contract Duration: Duration of the contract/agreement and can you please include any extension periods that could be executed Contracts vary dependant on commodity and type of contract, however the majority of contract periods are two years commencing 1st April 2014.

5.       Contract Commence Date: The date the contract/agreement commenced 1st April 2014.

6.       Contract Expiry Date: The date the contract/agreement expired 31st March 2016.

7.       Contract Description: A brief description of the contract of what support/service in involved Contract details held by CCS.

8.       Responsible Officer: Who within the organisation is responsible for this contract. Please can you send me the full names, actual job title, internal contact number and the officers direct email address. David Lively, Energy & Sustainability Manager, DD 0121 424 1142,

If there is more than one supplier please split each profile of the above data types for each supplier. E.g. separate spend, expiry date, responsible officer.

CHP Gas, Corona Energy, £1,446,071, 31/3/16, D.Lively/CCS.

Hospital Gas, Corona Energy, £6,597, 31/3/16, D.Lively/CCS.

Hospital Electric, EDF Energy, £807,222, 31/3/16, D.Lively/CCS.

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