1. How many Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Devices did Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust use in 2015?
We have 16 Long Term Rental Units, Ad hoc unit usage varied dependent upon requirement
2. Do you currently have a contract for Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Devices?Yes
If the answer is yes for the above:
a. Who is this contract with?We use KCI via the CPC Framework Agreement Ref: CLI00172/NHSCPC/PDJ
b. What was the contract start date?Framework in place from 14.1.13
c. What is the contract due to expire? Framework in place until 13.1.17
3. With reference to the above question, are these devices owned or rented? Rented
4. If rented, please specify the amount Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust spent on renting Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Devices in 2015? £73,000 on Long Term Rental Units as per contract pricing (1st April 2015- 1st April 2016) £67,855.71 (ad hoc usage for the period 1.1.15- 31.12.15)
5. What is the Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust spend on Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Consumables for the period of 2015? £56,588.12 (Ex Vat)
6. How much did Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust spend on replacing lost Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Devices in 2015?£0, no costs identified on reports at this present time for units lost
7. How much did Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust spend on warranty and servicing of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Devices in 2015?£0, as we do not pay service charges
8. In 2015, how many patients were reported as delayed discharge and can you supply this data at department level with the total number of days delayed discharge?
The total number of patients reported as delayed discharge in 2015 was 2,124 patients
Number of reported days delay in 2015 was 22,631 days.
We do not hold this information at departmental level.