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FOI 4582 Patient Transfer

Please provide the following:

A copy of the patient inter-hospital transfer document/proforma and guidelines used by your trust.

The Trust’s Patient Transfer Policy is attached: Patient%20Transfer%20Policy%20v6%200

The number of incidents reported involving the transfer of surgical patients between hospitals or trusts between March 2015-March 2016.

We have reviewed Datix, our incident reporting system and there were 46 surgical patients who had incidents relating directly to transfer

The number of surgical patients transferred between hospitals or trusts between March 2015-March 2016.

698 External Transfers

244 Inter-site Transfers

For reference this is what we have classified as an external transfer


NHS – other hospital provider – ward for general patients or the younger physically disabled
NHS High Security Psychiatric
NHS Medium Security Unit
NHS Mentally Ill or Learning Disabilities Ward
NHS Nursing, Care or Group Home
NHS Other Provider – Maternity or Neonates
Non NHS Hospice
Non NHS Hospital
Non NHS Hospital Medium Secure
Non NHS Residential Care Home



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