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FOI 4663 MRSA Screening

Can you please let me know under FOI, whether your trust:


  • has changed its MRSA screening after the 2014 PHE guidance called ‘implementation of modified admission MRSA screening guidance for NHS (2014). No, we have continued with universal screening and have not introduced restricted screening
  • If so, what was your screening regime? Not applicable
  • If you restricted screening, have MRSA acquisitions (positive screen after 48 hours in hospital or after a negative screen) increased?  Not applicable
  • If so, but how much.  Not applicable
  • Please tell me the number of MRSA bacteraemias for the years 2013/14: 8 2014/15: 1 and 2015/16: 5
  • If you restricted screening and if either MRSA acquisitions or MRSA bacteraemias increased, did you go back to universal screening? Not applicable
  • If you moved to restricted screening and returned to universal screening, how long did you practice restricted screening.  Not applicable

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