The responses to your query are detailed below:
1. Please supply me with your most up to date wound care formulary (please indicate if you do not work from a formulary).
Please see attached document
2. Please can you outline how compliance with your formulary is enforced? Items which are not on the formulary are not visible to ward staff so they are unable to order them.
3. Please indicate where possible what your average monthly usage of each product is. We do not record the usage of formulary products.
4. Can you list the number of wound care products used that are not currently on the formulary? 195
5. Can you provide usage levels for non-formulary wound care products in each of the last twelve months? We do not record the use of non-formulary wound products.
6. How often do you review your wound care formulary and when was this last undertaken?
There is an on-going formulary, with no set review dates, products are added or removed as required.
7. Can you provide an overview of the information you assess when reviewing your formulary?
The formulary is reviewed on the basis of how well the products work, and the cost of the products.
8. Can you supply the number of tissue viability nurses employed in
2016 Acute – 1Whole time equivalent (wte) Band 7 and 2.2wte band 6
Community 1 wte Band 6
2015 Acute wte1.0 Band 7 and 2.6 wte band 6
Community – 1 wte Band 7 until October 2015, then one band 6.
2014 Acutewte1.0 Band 7 band 6 2 wte
Communitywte1.0 Band 7
2013 Acutewte1.0 Band 7 band 6 2 wte
Communitywte1.0 Band 7
2012 Acutewte1.0 Band 7 band 6 2 wte =3 members of staff.
Communitywte1.0 Band 7
9. Can you supply the number of leg ulcer nurses employed in
i. 2016
ii. 2015
iii. 2014
iv. 2013
v. 2012
We do not employ leg ulcer nurse specialist the Tissue Viability Nurses along with the vascular nurses may be involved.
10. What percentage of your practice nurses received specialist training in wound management in:
i. 2016
ii. 2015
iii. 2014
iv. 2013
v. 2012
We do not hold this information
11. Can you supply us with the figures for your total spend on wound care products in
The figures below are for the financial year:
2015/16: £ 1598,176 inc VAT
2014/15 £1,446,596 inc VAT
2013/14 £1, 362,032 inc VAT
2012/13 £1,238,538 inc VAT
12. Can you supply us with the figures for your total spend on compression bandages in
2015/16: £ 81,391 inc VAT
2014/15 £70,652 inc VAT
2013/14 £62,537 inc VAT
2012/13 £52,066 inc VAT
13. Can you supply us with the figures for your total spend on Anti-Microbial wound care products in
2015/16: £ 88,405 inc VAT
2014/15 £76,838 inc VAT
2013/14 £64,587 inc VAT
2012/13 £65,138 inc VAT
14. Can you supply us with the figures for your total spend hosiery products in
2015/16: £201,350 inc VAT
2014/15 £214,952 inc VAT
2013/14 £222,395 inc VAT
2012/13 We do not hold this information
15. Do you have a strategy in place to implement NICE Guideline 179- Pressure ulcers: prevention and management of pressure ulcers
The strategy to implement Nice Guidelines would be incorporated through policy compliance. This is monitored through Divisions at the Divisional Tissue Viability Root Cause Analysis Forum via the Tissue Viability Steering Group chaired by Deputy Chief Nurse. This group requires representation from all divisions to provide assurance of compliance. This information is reflected within a Tissue Viability Scorecard. The scorecard is produced both for divisions and as a Trust-wide overview. The Trust participates in a high profile campaigns endorsed by NICE which include Stop the Pressure, and React to Red.
16. Can you provide details on how the NICE Guidelines is implemented and how you monitor compliance?
NICE Guidelines are implemented throughout the Tissue Viability policy, the assessment tools we use are the waterlow tool, skin inspection, repositioning, and the harm free care bundle.
Compliance is measured through monthly nursing care indicators which are reported through the Divisional structures and feature within the Ward to Board Dashboard. We also report compliance on re-positioning to the Commissioners through KPIs.
17. Can you supply the total number of patients in each of the last five calendar years that had
i. Level 1 pressure ulcers
ii. Level 2 pressure ulcers
iii. Level 3 pressure ulcers
iv. Level 4 pressure ulcers
Please see attached spreadsheet, this data is for hospital acquired pressure ulcers only.