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FOI 4818 Clinical service incidents

Please provide details of all clinical service incidents caused by estates and infrastructure failure at your hospital trust in 2015/16 and 2016/17 to date.

This is the definition of clinical service incidents:  Incidents caused by estates and infrastructure failure which caused clinical services to be delayed, cancelled or otherwise interfered with owing to problems or failures related to the estates and infrastructure failure. Exclude failures relating to non-estates causes e.g. nursing availability, but include where external incidents which estates and infrastructures should have mitigated e.g. utility power failures where the Trusts backup power system failed to offset. An incident is considered to be a delay of at least 30 minutes to clinical services affecting at least 5 patients or equivalent. Both inpatient and outpatient service incidents should be included. Such incidents will include, but are not limited to: • Power and/or heating failures including overheating • Fires and false alarms (where caused by equipment faults or malfunction, deliberate/malicious causes should be excluded) • Water and/or sewage supply • Food production and/or delivery • Pest control

For each incident, please provide a summary of the incident and the impact on services. Please include what the problem was and how clinical services were affected, including details of how many patients were affected, what the service was and how long the service was delayed or whether it was cancelled.


For the period 2016 to date, by reviewing all of the ‘infrastructure’ incidents reported on the Trust’s incident reporting system, Datix, there has been one, details below:


Incident Reference:227469

Date: 15.07.2016

Location: BHH Outpatients, Ophthalmology

‘Due to a power cut, the battery pack attached to the OCT machine blew causing the machine to close down incompletely, corrupting the OCT machine. This resulted in patients not being able to have scans and having to be brought back to clinic at a later date, causing potential delays in their treatment.’


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