*is the Trust planning to use GPs within any of its emergency departments over the winter months? The Trust routinely uses GPs in the Emergency Department at Heartlands Hospital to provide a step down option for patients who do not need ED level care.
*has the Trust recruited/is the Trust planning to recruit GPs to staff its emergency departments over the winter months? If so, how many will be/have been recruited? If so, please confirm (i) the cost of recruitment and (ii) the planned duration of the post(s). No additional recruitment is planned.
*If the Trust is planning to use GPs in A&E departments, how will they fit into the current system/how will they be used? Not applicable
*If the Trust is planning to use GPs in A&E departments, why is this necessary? Heartlands Hospital, in line with most major EDs in the country, and in line with Emergency care pathway strategy under auspice of RCEM, RCGP amongst others has implemented co-located ED/ primary care provision. There is no prescription on how to structure the co-located.