- How many Dyson products has your trust bought in the last five years? We have identified 360 purchased items
We are also aware that we have entered into lease/rental agreements for Dyson branded products, however, we have been unable to determine a definitive number for leased/rented items before the return of this document.
- What are these products and models? AM06 Fan, AM07 Fan, AM08 Fan, AB14 Hand Dryer, AB08 Nickle V Airblade, AB14 Hand Dryer, AM05 Hot Cold Heater ONDC33 Vacuum Cleaner
- A breakdown of how many items of each Dyson product was bought in the last five years, eg how many fans, vacuum cleaners, hand dryers etc. 354 Fans, 2 Hand Dryers, 4 Hot Cold Heaters, 1 Vacuum Cleaner . The Trust has also leased/rented additional fans, however we do not have an exact figure of how many at this time.
- How much money has been spent on all Dyson products for the last five years for your trust?
The Trust has identified £111,283.93 of expenditure. This includes purchase and lease/rental.
- Please could I have a breakdown for how much has been spent on each type of product, eg vacuum cleaners, fans, hand dryers etc, for the last five years? Hand Dryers £1398.00, Hot Cold Heaters £1399.98, Fans £108,215.96, Vacuum Cleaner £269.99
All items were purchased for patient areas to assist with infection control.