- Details of Current contract details for Printed Stationery and Managed Service Print, including Offsite stockholding, online ordering/ Invoicing facilities, contract start and end date.
Supply a range of printed items. This includes both ad hoc printing and stockholding services of standard/common items.
- Was this awarded through an official Tender Process, ie OJEU Tender.
The contract was awarded under the Heath Trust Europe Framework agreement, which was itself established following an ‘OJEU’ procurement process.
- What is the Contract reference.
The Trust’s short form contract reference number is: 1680.
- What is the annual spend for the contract, as a whole and broken down to ad-hoc print spend (non-stock) and Managed Print (stock).
Annual spend (FY 2015/16) 194450.53 – Ad-hoc 28671.43 – Managed Print 165779.10
- Who is the Current contracted supplier(s)
The Current Supplier is: L.G. Davis (Stationers) Limited,
- Did the contract deliver as detailed in the Tender process or exceed expectations?
The contractor is meeting its contractual obligations.
- Who was the previous contracted Supplier
The current supplier was also a previous supplier to the Trust. The Trust has absorbed other NHS bodies over time and other providers may have been engaged to those previously independent Trusts.
- Contact details , including Name, Telephone number and email address of the person responsible for managing the contract/ non contracted area of spend.
Procurement Helpdesk. procurement.helpdesk@heartofengland.nhs.uk; 0121 424 2000.