I would like to make the following request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:
1. The names of the hospitals within your trust/board that contain asbestos.
There are asbestos containing materials in buildings on all three hospitals sites and at the Chest Clinic, although we are only tenants and not the landlord of the Chest Clinic.
2. How many reported incidents of asbestos exposure have there been in these hospitals between 2006 and 2016.
Between 2006 and 2016 there has been 1 reported incident of asbestos exposure.
3. The number of hospital staff (existing and retired staff to include both medical and non medical staff) and patients that have pursued a claim against you for exposure to asbestos within a hospital run by your trust/board.
Two (please note these were not between 2006 and 2016)
4. The number of these claims that have been settled.
We do not hold this information. Please contact the NHSLA who may be able to provide this: foi@nhsla.com
5. The amount of money that has been paid in settlement of these claims (with and without your trust/board accepting responsibility).
We do not hold this information. Please contact the NHSLA who may be able to provide this: foi@nhsla.com