For each of your hospitals separately, please could you provide me with:
1.How many bed days were lost in financial year 2016/17 whilst undertaking effective decontamination (Hydrogen Peroxide vaporising/fogging/UV): –
a) following discharge/transfer of patient/s with known/suspected infections e.g. Cdiff/ Multi drug infections (i.e. proactive)
We do not hold this information
b) Following an outbreak of infection
We do not hold this information
2. a. Make and number of hydrogen peroxide vaporising fogging machines currently in use
Glosair 400 machine – BHH 6 / GHH 3 / SOL 2
b. Make and number of ultraviolet machines currently in use
c. Make and number of “other” (please state) types of decontamination machines currently in use.
3. Is decontamination undertaken internally or through a managed service? If a managed service, please state which company.
4. If applicable, please specify the length of down time post room decontamination following hydrogen peroxide vaporising fogging for:
a. single side rooms
We do not have a specified length of down time, this will depend on size of room and if window ventilation is available / normally 30 minutes may be a little longer if an integral room without windows.
b. 4 bedded rooms.
As above