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FOI 5439 PAP machines

1. Which make and model of Positive Air Pressure (PAP) machines does your Trust provide to patients suffering from sleep apnoea?

A) As standard?

The standard machine issue across the Trust is now the AIRSENSE 10 ELITE – S10 CPAP machine.

B) For any circumstances where the patient is deemed to need additional features to the standard machines your Trust provide (e.g. APAP, BiPAP or any other type of machine instead of CPAP)?

APAP would be issued only upon request of Consultant

2. Which make and model of Positive Air Pressure (PAP) masks does your Trust provide to patients suffering from sleep apnoea?

A) As standard?

Standard machine would be S10

B) For any circumstances where the patient is deemed to need additional features to the standard masks your Trust provide?

Any additional features would be the requirement of APAP again on request only company used would be ResMed

3. From where does your Trust purchase the machines provided to patients?

A) Direct from manufacturer?

B) Through a third party supplier?

We have tendered as a Trust and order direct from ResMed

4. From where does your Trust purchase the masks provided to patients?

A) Direct from manufacturer?

B) Through a third party supplier?

Majority of masks are from ResMed again under contract, a few types from other companies, all ordered directly from companies.

5. How much does your trust pay per unit for the model(s) of PAP machines you supply?

The Trust does hold this information. However we are withholding this under exemption 43 (commercial interests) of the Freedom of Information Act: The Information is exempt information if its disclosure under this Act would, or would be likely to, prejudice the commercial interests of any person (including the public authority holding it) as the Trust will be retendering for this product and it is believed that releasing this could disadvantage the trust in future negotiations.  In considering this, we have taken into account the public interest test and it is believed the public interest in securing the best possible price outweighs the public interest in releasing this at this time.

6. How much does your trust pay per unit for the model(s) of PAP masks you supply?

The Trust does hold this information. However we are withholding this under exemption 43 (commercial interests) of the Freedom of Information Act: The Information is exempt information if its disclosure under this Act would, or would be likely to, prejudice the commercial interests of any person (including the public authority holding it) as the Trust will be retendering for this product and it is believed that releasing this could disadvantage the trust in future negotiations.  In considering this, we have taken into account the public interest test and it is believed the public interest in securing the best possible price outweighs the public interest in releasing this at this time.

7. How many new PAP machines has your Trust supplied to patients for each of your last three fiscal years?

Estimated number is 2,300 in x3 years

8. How many patients in total does your Trust currently provide PAP machines and accessories to?

We have around 6000 patients on treatment and follow-up care for masks and servicing of machines.

9. How often do you review patient use of their machine and accessories in an outpatient appointment?

Once patients are setup on treatment they will be reviewed at 6 months in Clinic, within that time they can visit Respiratory Physiology for mask issues.  If patients are compliant and doing well on CPAP they will visit the department at 18 months for Service on machine and mask at 12 months if required.





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