1. Which Hospitals in your trust are currently using the Scan for Safety or GS1 barcode system?
The Trust does not currently use the Scan for Safety or GS1 system.
2. If a Hospital is currently using the Scan for Safety or GS1 barcode system is this system being used in stores?
Not applicable
3. If a Hospital is currently using the Scan for Safety or GS1 barcode system is this system being used in receipts?
Not applicable
4. If a Hospital is currently using the Scan for Safety or GS1 barcode system is this system being used in theatres for patient’s notes?
Not applicable
5. Which Hospitals in your trust will be switching to the Scan for Safety or GS1 barcode system in the next 12 months?
There are no formal plans in place to implement this within the next 12 months.