1. Does the authority offer IVF services?
2. Does it have its own embryology lab, or is it a satellite of another service (if so which)
Not Applicable
3. How many cycles of IVF has the authority provided in each of the financial years:
(a) 2014/15 – Not Applicable
(b) 2015/16 – Not Applicable
(c) 2016/17 – Not Applicable
4. In each year, how many of these were fresh cycles, and how many involved transfer of frozen embryos?
Not Applicable
5. In each year, how many of the cycles were funded by NHS commissioners/NHS sources, and how many by self-funding patients?
Not Applicable
6. What was the authority’s total income in relation to IVF services in each year
2014/15 – Not Applicable
a. From NHS funding
b. From Patient self-funding
2015/16 – Not Applicable
a. From NHS funding
b. From Patient self-funding
2016/17 – Not Applicable
a. From NHS funding
b. From Patient self-funding