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FOI 5668 Systems used

If any of the numbered systems below are used, can you please provide the information requested in the bullet points:

1. Personal health record/patient portal
Not applicable

2. TIE (Trust Integration Engine)
 Supplier name – Rhapsody (Orion)
 System name – Insight
 Current contract start date – 26/3/2017
 Current contract end date – 25/03/2018
 The procurement method that was used to obtain this system i.e. what framework? SCC Framework
 The current contract status and procurement intentions, are you in procurement or have you already procured? We do not hold this information at this time, the Trust is in the process of a merger and the procurement status is dependent on the outcome of the proposed merger.
 Are you looking to renew this system? As above, this is dependent on the outcome of the proposed merger
 The total contract Value? £193,287.00
 Do you have mobile access to this system yes or no – No

3. Health Information Exchange (HIE provides the capability to electronically move clinical information among disparate healthcare information systems, and maintain the meaning of the information being exchanged.)
 Supplier name – PCTI Solution LTd
 System name – Docman – used only for clinical letters to GP’s
 Current contract start date – 03/07/2017
 Current contract end date – 02/07/2018
 The procurement method that was used to obtain this system i.e. what framework? Local contract
 The current contract status and procurement intentions, are you in procurement or have you already procured? We do not hold this information at this time, the Trust is in the process of a merger and the procurement status is dependent on the outcome of the proposed merger.
 Are you looking to renew this system? As above, this is dependent on the outcome of the proposed merger
 The total contract Value? £30,000.00
 Do you have mobile access to this system – No

4. Clinical Portal (single organisation alternative to EPR)
iCare (Internal system) and Concerto (Internal systems)

5. E-Rostering (staffing) e.g. Clarity/HCL
 Supplier name – Allocate Software – Specialist Computer Centres PLC
 System name – Healthroster
 Current contract start date – 2015
 Current contract end date – 2020
 The procurement method that was used to obtain this system i.e. what framework OGC Framework
 The current contract status and procurement intentions, are you in procurement or have you already procured? – Procured
 Are you looking to renew this system? – Not currently
 The total contract Value? £500,000.00
 Do you have mobile access to this system yes or no – No

6. Corporate scheduling

7. Population health management system (example suppliers are EPR providers (Cerner, Allscripts, Epic etc), integration-led (Graphnet, Orion, ISC etc) and PHM specialists (e.g. MedeAnalytics)

8. Finance BI and analytics system
Internal system

9. Live operational dashboard system
Referral to treatment portal (RTT portal) internally developed

10. Genomics platform
Not applicable

11. Outcomes/performance benchmarking (the key suppliers are Dr Foster, CHKS and UHB.
These systems enable a trust to compare their key clinical outcomes indicators, such as mortality, length of stay and readmission rates, with other NHS trusts)
 Supplier name: University Hospitals Birmingham NHS
 System name: Healthcare Evaluation Data
 Current contract start date Authority to Authority agreement is in the process of being formulated

12. Transfers of care system including Electronic referral system, Electronic handover solution, Discharge summary solution, Discharge planning solution, Hospital to community pharmacy referral system

Internal systems
Please note, where we use internal systems the points below are not applicable
 Supplier name
 System name
 Current contract start date
 Current contract end date
 The procurement method that was used to obtain this system i.e. what framework?
 The current contract status and procurement intentions, are you in procurement or have you already procured?
 Are you looking to renew this system?
 The total contract Value?
 Do you have mobile access to this system yes or no

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