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FOI 5679 Fixed Telecommunications and Internet Services

If there is more than one supplier for each of the contract information I am requesting below please can you split each contract individually and not combined. Please also separate the expiry data and spend and number of lines for each supplier. An example of this can be viewed at the bottom of this request.

Contract 1
1. Current Fixed Line (Voice Circuits) Provider- Supplier’s name, if there is not information available please can you provide further insight into why?
BT, Vodafone, Virgin Media
2. Fixed Line- Contract Renewal Date- please provide day, month and year (month and year is also acceptable). If this is a rolling contract please provide me with the rolling date of the contract. If there is more than one supplier please split the renewal dates up into however many suppliers
Rolling, no end date
3. Fixed Line- Contract Duration- the number of years the contract is for each
Rolling No end Date
4. Type of Lines- Please can you split the type of lines per each supplier? PTSN, Analogue, SIP
There is no SIP. Q931,Q931e,Dass2,DPNSS, Analogue
5. Number of Lines- Please can you split the number of lines per each supplier? SIP trunks, PSN Lines, Analogue Lines
Vodafone Q931 (240 Channels), Vodafone DPNSS (180 channels), Vodafone DASS2 (180 channels) Virgin DPNSS (60 Channels) The paging system seems to have 38 lines in the directory– these are “4” extension numbers but think that they are included on a BT Invoice as circuits
The Trust has 93 Analogue Lines
There is no SIP

Contract 2
6. Minutes/Landline Provider- Supplier’s name (NOT Mobiles) if there is not information available please can you provide further insight into why?
BT, Vodafone, Virgin Media
7. Minutes/Landline Contract Renewal Date- please provide day, month and year (month and year is also acceptable). If this is a rolling contract please provide me with the rolling date of the contract.
Rolling No end Date
8. Minutes Landline Monthly Spend- Monthly average spend. An estimate or average is acceptable.
Estimated the monthly spend for Landlines and calls is – £6000
9. Minute’s Landlines Contract Duration: the number of years the contract is with the supplier.
Prior to 2000….rolling contract
10. Number of Extensions- Please state the number of telephone extensions the organisation currently has. An estimate or average is acceptable.
Contract 3
11. Fixed Broadband Provider- Supplier’s name if there is not information available please can you provide further insight into why?
There are no broadband connections part of the ICT services
12. Fixed Broadband Renewal Date- please provide day, month and year (month and year is also acceptable). If this is a rolling contract please provide me with the rolling date of the contract. If there is more than one supplier please split the renewal dates up into however many suppliers
Not Applicable
13. Fixed Broadband Annual Average Spend- Annual average spend for each broadband provider. An estimate or average is acceptable.
Not Applicable

Contract 4
15. WAN Provider- please provide me with the main supplier(s) if there is not information available please can you provide further insight into why?
Virgin Media
16. WAN Contract Renewal Date- please provide day, month and year (month and year is also acceptable). If this is a rolling contract please provide me with the rolling date of the contract. If there is more than one supplier please split the renewal dates up into however many suppliers
17. Contract Description: Please can you provide me with a brief description of the contract
All links listed in table below are under a managed service contract apart from those named HCS
18. Number of sites: Pleas state the number of sites the WAN covers. Approx. will do.
The WAN covers 7 sites
19. WAN Annual Average Spend- Annual average spend for each WAN provider. An estimate or average is acceptable.
£159,311.10 (exc VAT)
20. If the following contract is in relation to N3 can you please provide me with details on when the Trust is planning to migrate to the HSCN contract.
For the N3 related links, the Trust plans to migrated onto HSCN during FinYr 2018/2019.
21. Internal Contact: please can you send me there full contact details including contact number and email and job title.
Didier Meert
Head of ICT Infrastructure Services
+44 (0) 121 424 3967 ext.43967

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