1) The total number of operations you performed in your operating theatres between 1/4/2017 and 30/9/2017 inclusive
2) The total number of high dependency / intensive care beds (level 2 or level 3) you had available to you on 30/9/2017
No beds were free, the units were at full capacity
3) The total number of cases that went to a level 2 or level 3 post-operatively, either planned or unplanned
Total 92 between 01/04/2017 and 30/09/2017
4) The total number of operations in any speciality where you cancelled the procedure on the day of surgery because of lack of availability of a level 2 or level 3 bed between 1/4/2017 and 30/9/2017
There were 14 operations cancelled which cited ‘No critical care bed’ between 01/04/2017 and 30/09/2017