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FOI 5703 Public clouds within ICT infrastructure

The questions concern the use of public cloud within your IT infrastructure.

1) Do you know about the Government’s Cloud First policy?
 Yes

2) Is your organisation using a public cloud for any area of your IT infrastructure?
 No – If no, please answer questions 6-8

3) What percentage of your IT infrastructure has already been migrated to the public cloud?
 Less than 25%
 25% – 50%
 50% – 75%
 75% – 100%
Not Applicable

4) Which area(s) of your organisation’s IT infrastructure has/have been migrated (in part or in whole) to the public cloud? Select all that apply.
 Database(s)
 Application(s)
 Security
 Storage
Not Applicable

5) If you are not 100% cloud first, what is your timeline to migrate the rest of your infrastructure to the public cloud?
I am 100% cloud
6 months or less
6-12 months
1-2 years
2+ years
Not Applicable

6) What barriers to public cloud adoption have you experienced? Select all that apply.
 Lack of skills needed to implement/manage
 Security/compliance concerns
 Budget constraints
 Inability to prove return on investment (ROI)
 Need to continue supporting old, legacy technology
 Vendor lock-in (with a cloud provider)
 Concerns over IT managing multi-vendor environments
This is not a request for recorded information, so is not an applicable under the FOI Act

7) How many monitoring and management tools are you currently using to gain visibility into your IT infrastructure?
 10 or more

8) Are you able to use the same monitoring and management tools for on-premises infrastructure and cloud environments?
 Yes

9) What are the biggest challenges you face when monitoring and managing your public cloud environment? Select all that apply.
 Lack of control and visibility into performance
 Uncertainty where date resides
 Protecting and securing the cloud environments
 Performance downtime
 Determining the most suitable workloads to move to the cloud
 Not fully understanding the benefits of the cloud
This is not a request for recorded information, so is not an applicable under the FOI Act

10) Are you seeing the expected ROI from public cloud adoption?
 Yes

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