Advise how many maternal request caesarean sections with no obstetric, medical or significant psychological reason were carried out by each obstetric unit within your Trust between April 2016 and April 2017.
Please see attached FOI 5710
Provide a copy of any locally agreed guidelines, staff guidelines and patient information leaflets that explain how requests for maternal request caesarean sections will be handled by the Trust.
See attached guidelines and leaflets for patients:
Caesarean section checklist Elective
Please note, the patient leaflets are taken from our Patient Advice and Information Database (PAID) system. Use of this system ensures that each patient receives a newly printed, personalised copy of the trust approved patient information leaflet. It also ensures that any information given to the patient to support their decisions around treatment and consent will be recorded against the patient’s electronic patient record, and allows staff to view a complete history of patient information leaflets issued to any patient. The attached leaflet has a watermark “View only do not issue to patients”. This watermark is automatically removed when the leaflet is correctly issued via the PAID system.
Please provide an explanation as to how you specifically meet NICE CG132 and if you are not, please provide the reason.
NICE CG132 states “For women requesting a CS, if after discussion and offer of support (including perinatal mental health support for women with anxiety about childbirth), a vaginal birth is still not an acceptable option, offer a planned CS. [new 2011]”
In line with this guidance, women are supported to have CS for maternal request following discussion with an obstetrician and a referral to perinatal mental health and/or consultant midwife as appropriate. Details of the maternal request would be documented within Trust systems.