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FOI 5734 ePMA and EPR

1) Does your Trust already use an ePMA system for medicines management?

a) If YES – is this part of an EPR system and if so, what EPR do you use?

b) If YES -but the solution is not part of an EPR, (e.g. the Trust uses a stand-alone system) can you please indicate the name of the supplier and product. Can you also detail the contract expiry date?
JAC EPMA Rolling 12 month contract

c) If NO- can you indicate if this is something you may consider procuring in the next 2 years?
Not Applicable

d) If not- is there a reason why the Trust would not procure an ePMA (be this new or a replacement)
Not Applicable

2) Could you please give me the name/ title and contact details of the Trust employee who is responsible for your ePMA &/or medicines management process?
Ian Reading, EPMA System Administrator,

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