- Please confirm the Heads of Departments for each of the following categories?
- Dental Consumables (“E Class Code: IKB”);
- Dental Laboratory Consumables (“E Class Code: IRB”);
- Dental Implants (“E Class Code IKA);
- Orthodontic Materials/Consumables (“E Class Code: GGB”);
- Dental Equipment (“E Class Code: IBB”); and
- Dental Laboratory Equipment (“E Class Code: ITL”).
- Please confirm if the same person you have identified above is also responsible for the procurement of goods and services in each of the following categories?
- Dental Consumables;
- Dental Laboratory Consumables;
- Dental Implants;
- Orthodontic Materials/Consumables
- Dental Equipment; and
- Dental Laboratory Equipment.
- Please indicate how decisions are made to procure goods and services in the following categories? Are they evaluated prior to being accepted? Would this be part of a clinical evaluation or clinical trial? Please provide the detail?
- Dental Consumables;
- Dental Laboratory Consumables;
- Dental Implants;
- Orthodontic Materials/Consumables
- Dental Equipment; and
- Dental Laboratory Equipment.
- Please could you advise who is responsible for the cost of your Dental Practices/Dental Care Services Provider(s) in your setting? Is it the CCG or is it the NHS Acute Trust/NHS Foundation Trust/NHS Health and Care Service?
- Please identify who the main decision maker/influencer is, in either of the settings stated above, for each of the following categories?
- Dental Consumables;
- Dental Laboratory Consumables;
- Dental Implants;
- Orthodontic Materials/Consumables
- Dental Equipment; and
- Dental Laboratory Equipment.
- Please provide any reports you hold which include or illustrate your patient demographic and the most common treatments provided by your Dental Practices/Dental Care Services Provider(s), for your patient demographic?
- Please list and confirm, as far as possible, what your average monthly usage is, for each product used, in each of the following categories?
- Dental Consumables;
- Dental Laboratory Consumables;
- Dental Implants;
- Orthodontic Materials/Consumables
- Dental Equipment; and
- Dental Laboratory Equipment.
- Please confirm, what your total spend has been, during the last financial year (1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017), in each of the following categories?
- Dental Consumables;
- Dental Laboratory Consumables;
- Dental Implants;
- Orthodontic Materials/Consumables
- Dental Equipment; and
- Dental Laboratory Equipment.
- Please provide a list of the suppliers that you currently purchase goods and services from in each of the following categories?
- Dental Consumables;
- Dental Laboratory Consumables;
- Dental Implants;
- Orthodontic Materials/Consumables
- Dental Equipment; and
- Dental Laboratory Equipment.
- Are you intending to collaborate with another healthcare entity to procure your goods and services in the following categories for your Dental Practices/Dental Care Services Provider(s)?
- Dental Consumables;
- Dental Laboratory Consumables;
- Dental Implants;
- Orthodontic Materials/Consumables
- Dental Equipment; and
- Dental Laboratory Equipment.
- Can you please provide information on your current supply route for the following categories (e.g. NHS Supply Chain also known as DHL, Direct from a Third-Party Distributor; or Direct from a Manufacturer)?
- Dental Consumables;
- Dental Laboratory Consumables;
- Dental Implants;
- Orthodontic Materials/Consumables
- Dental Equipment; and
- Dental Laboratory Equipment.
- Do you currently have a contract in place for any of the following categories? If so when does each expire?
- Dental Consumables;
- Dental Laboratory Consumables;
- Dental Implants;
- Orthodontic Materials/Consumables
- Dental Equipment; and
- Dental Laboratory Equipment.
- Can you provide information on how many delivery points you have for each of the following categories?
- Dental Consumables;
- Dental Laboratory Consumables;
- Dental Implants;
- Orthodontic Materials/Consumables
- Dental Equipment; and
- Dental Laboratory Equipment.
- Can you provide information on how many locations you have that are holding stock in each of the following categories?
- Dental Consumables;
- Dental Laboratory Consumables;
- Dental Implants;
- Orthodontic Materials/Consumables
- Dental Equipment; and
- Dental Laboratory Equipment.
- Can you provide information on what software platform you use for ordering goods and services in the following categories?
- Dental Consumables;
- Dental Laboratory Consumables;
- Dental Implants;
- Orthodontic Materials/Consumables
- Dental Equipment; and
- Dental Laboratory Equipment.
- Please classify against the three bullet points below, which of those Dental Practices/Dental Care Service Provider(s), you are directly responsible for (within your setting/locality); what proportion provides:
- A service to NHS patients only?
- A service to both NHS and Private patients?
- A service to Private patients only?
Please see attached spreadsheet FOI5742