In the attached Excel spreadsheet, in the corresponding row for your Trust please enter the information you hold on bank staff employees EXCLUDING THOSE WHO HOLD SUBSTANTIVE POSTS as per the column headings:
Column B: the number who were previously in post at your trust (starting between 2012 and 2017) who were in place for longer than 1 year
Column C: the number who were previously in post at your trust (starting between 2012 and 2017) who were in place for longer than 3 years
Column D: the number who were previously in post at your trust (starting between 2012 and 2017) who were in place for longer than 5 years
The Trust does not hold the information you have requested. The Trust system does not hold the date that staff became bank only, or joined the Trust as Bank only. It would include any staff that may have also had a permanent contract previously, which they have now left but stayed on the bank.