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FOI 5775 EPR System

1. Trust name
Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust

2. Type of trust
Acute Foundation Trust

3. Do you currently have an EPR system(s) in place?

4. Can you provide a name for the system(s)?
I-Care and also Concerto which is being rolled out and replacing I-care

5. How much are you currently spending on this system annually for licensing and support fees?
Not Applicable

6. What is the date of contract expiry for the system(s)?
Not applicable as in-house managed and supported systems

7. Do you intend to go to tender for a new EPR (if applicable)?
There is no plan at this time to go to a tender exercise

8. How many users? (an estimation if unsure)

9. How is your system hosted?
SQL Cluster- in house

10. Who is responsible for your local implementation of the objectives set out by the NHS in the Five Year Forward View?
Stephen Chilton – Director of ICT

11. Can you please provide the name and email of your Chief Clinical Information Officer or the person who holds the equivalent role in your trust?
Matthew Rooney – Consultant Anaesthetist,

12. Can you please provide the name and email of your Director of Informatics or the person who holds the equivalent role in your trust?
We do not have a Director of Informatics, however we have a performance team and the manager of this is Claire Rymer, Operational Performance and Delivery Manager,

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